Using Google to produce great SEO content can involve writing meta titles and descriptions for your pages (which are key to helping search engines identify your content as relevant to its query), optimising titles tags (so that they include the keywords that searchers will use), and making sure your content has plenty of visible links (for people to quickly find it) and keyword mentions (to inform your writing). Sound confusing? If you haven’t thought about SEO or writing for engines this way before, you might think these are overrated.

SEO in short is the process of using Google’s search algorithms’ — the spider algorithm and the web crawlers — to come up with a set of pages ranking and useful for users. These will include pages that are relevant, that provide value to the reader and that are useful in some other way. A useful page is one that other users would find helpful.
To help your users, it’s always a good idea to include information on your site about your purpose and the value that you provide, along with links to relevant pages or resources. Include keywords to search engines so your content is shown to the right people. Try to be consistent with the content and tags used to search for your site, and aim for inclusion in the first few pages of a search. It is vital that you use Google’s techniques to optimise your site’s pages, though.
Too little practising and your blog will be kicked off the search results entirely, leaving you with little traffic or views. Without vital SEO investments your website will struggle to rank in the top results, with Google concentrating on user experience and search relevance to optimise the ranking of your website. So before you even think about writing or publishing content, you need to think about the SEO of your site. Yes, a website does require some technical skill to set up and maintain, but a degree of software development skills are helpful, too.
Be aware that if you get caught out by an index litigation or violation of Google’s policies then the penalties can be quite serious. There are many factors influencing the extent of your site’s SEO, which means a comprehensive strategy is necessary to optimise it. This is because so many factors, not related to SEO, affect the ranking of a page. SEO is a matter of degree as there are many factors that can affect it. So it’s not possible to give you a cookie-cutter instruction on how to best optimise your site for SEO. That said, there are some things that you can do as a beginner.